What’s the Point of a “Wait for Green” Traffic Sign?
The meaning of the “wait for green” traffic sign is less redundant than it seems.
2023-11-28 22:26

Top Gear: The 10 Bestselling Cars in America Right Now
For U.S. car consumers, bigger is better.
2023-11-25 01:27

More Cities Are Banning Right-on-Red Turns—Here's Why
The standard traffic practice is under increased scrutiny.
2023-11-15 06:18

Furry Road: Remembering the Krushed Kitty Novelty Toy Scandal
In the late 1980s, thousands of cars were adorned with a seemingly crushed stuffed cat. Not everyone found it funny.
2023-11-10 02:18

Geared Up: Parallel Parking Can Reportedly Raise Your Heart Rate By 57 Percent
A recent survey found some drivers would rather visit a dentist than attempt to back into a parking spot.
2023-10-13 04:17

Why Don’t Cars Have Hood Ornaments Anymore?
Cars used to sport exquisite pieces of art on their hoods. What happened?
2023-09-27 21:22

Why Do Truck Drivers Say “10-4”?
“10-4” isn’t any quicker than saying “OK.” But it is a storied trucker tradition.
2023-09-13 03:27

These LED Crosswalks Adapt to Whoever Is Crossing
Crossing in the rain? The Starling Crossing will create a wider buffer for you. Crossing diagonally? It'll adapt to your path.
2023-09-11 21:17

This Smart Go-Kart Lets Kids Speed While Parents Stay in Control
The Arrow Smart-Kart is a high tech go-kart designed to satisfy every kid's need for speed—and every parent's desire for safety.
2023-09-10 22:52

How Long Can You Drive After Your Car’s Gas Light Comes On?
Just how many miles can you drive once your car alerts you that you're running out of gas? The answer might surprise you.
2023-09-08 05:21

20 Highly Unusual Truck Spills
Sometimes a truck unloads its cargo unexpectedly early.
2023-09-06 05:49

Carson Daly reflects on early days of Smash Mouth's success in moving tribute to Steve Harwell
Carson Daly is remembering his friend Steve Harwell, the co-founder and former lead singer of the rock band Smash Mouth, who died Monday at age 56.
2023-09-05 07:24