10 Chilling Facts About Permafrost
About 11 percent of the Earth’s surface is perpetually frozen, though that will surely change as global warming continues.
2023-10-25 20:17

Renowned conductor allows climate activists to address crowd at Swiss music festival
A famed Russian conductor allowed climate protesters who disrupted a performance at a classical music festival in Switzerland to address the crowd, despite grumbling from some members of the audience.
2023-09-11 23:15

News outlets went all in on Maui fire coverage. But did they miss a key part of the story?
Thousands of heat records broken. Oceans at hot tub levels. Mass coral bleaching. Extraordinary wildfires. Earth's hottest month on record.
2023-08-16 10:53

New Technology Is Here To Fight Climate Change: Big Take Podcast
Listen to The Big Take podcast on iHeart, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Terminal. Despite global efforts to slow the
2023-08-04 17:47

9 Creative Ways People Kept Cool Before Air Conditioning
People have come up with a range of ingenious, harebrained, and sometimes grim but often remarkable ways to stay cool during a summer scorcher.
2023-07-04 03:20