Why Won’t My Cat Use the Litter Box?
A certified cat trainer suggests reasons why a cat won’t use its litter box—and offers some possible solutions.
2023-11-11 04:24

How Are Porta Potties Cleaned?
To keep porta potties (relatively) clean, sanitation workers require special equipment and a strong stomach.
2023-10-26 21:55

NASA Reveals How Living in Space for a Year Affected Scott Kelly’s Poop
Astronaut Scott Kelly used cotton swabs to take samples of his fecal matter. He then sealed it in tubes and sent it back to Earth via rocket.
2023-10-23 21:16

The Best Time to Use the Bathroom On an Airplane, According to a Flight Attendant
The correct answer is “never,” but if you have to, you’d better time it right.
2023-08-29 22:27

‘Wee the People’: Philly Residents Offer Name Suggestions for the City’s New Public Bathrooms
If you guessed someone would suggest ‘Gritty Sitty,’ you are absolutely right.
2023-06-30 21:22

Why Do Marathon Runners Poop Their Pants?
Some athletes call it runner’s trots. Others refer to it as the Gingerbread Man. Here's why marathoners sometimes get off to a runny start.
2023-06-29 05:23

May Cause Anal Leakage: The Olestra Fat-Free Snack Controversy of the 1990s
After decades of development and $200 million spent, Procter & Gamble thought they had the perfect snack food additive with olestra. Too bad it caused “rectal urgency.”
2023-06-06 02:29