19 Old Cold Weather Words to Get You Through Winter
There are only so many ways to say “it’s cold outside,” which is why it’s time to supplement your vocabulary with these vintage words and phrases related to winter.
2023-11-29 06:57

15 Upstate New York Slang Terms You Should Know
You might know everything there is to know about New York City slang, but the moment you leave the city, fuhgeddaboudit. Upstate New York has its own set of regional colloquialisms, often depending on which area of the state you’re in.
2023-11-28 05:16

What ‘Sic’ Means—And How To Use It Correctly
The literal meaning of ‘sic’ is ‘so’ or ‘thus.’ But the way writers use it is a little more nuanced.
2023-11-28 02:30

20 Super Literal German Compound Words
Germany is the land of Oktoberfest, Christmas markets, and super literal compound words like Glühbirne (“glow pear,” a.k.a. “lightbulb”) and Baumwolle (“tree wool,” otherwise known as cotton).
2023-11-22 21:23

What Does the Phrase ‘Talk Turkey’ Mean—And Where Did it Come From?
Before you talk turkey this Thanksgiving, find out what we know about the phrase’s meaning and origins.
2023-11-21 22:18

How Do You Stress the Word: THANKSgiving or ThanksGIVing?
Here’s something else to stress about for Thanksgiving.
2023-11-21 03:51

When ‘Clockwork Orange’ Author Anthony Burgess Wrote a Slang Dictionary
Penguin Books commissioned the work in 1965, but the "A Clockwork Orange" author only completed several hundred entries before discarding the project.
2023-11-21 01:52

T-Glottalization: The Reason Some People Drop Their ‘T’s When Speaking
Dropping that ‘t’ sound is an example of what linguists call glottalization, or replacing a sound with a pause in the vocal cords.
2023-11-17 06:25

25 of the Most Confusing Acronyms and Initialisms
You’re not the only person who has Googled “NPC meaning” of late.
2023-11-15 21:27

‘Tableclothwise,’ ‘Parrotwise,’ and 10 Other ‘-Wise’ Words That Never Caught On
You think you’ve seen every category of words … then you find this batch, including such oddities as tableclothwise and rabbitwise.
2023-11-14 21:23

Here’s How Super-Long German Words Are Made
German is known for its extremely long compound words—Mark Twain once complained that some were “so long they have a perspective.” This quick video demonstrates how those words are constructed.
2023-11-13 22:53

You Bull’s Pizzle! Breaking Down 10 Iconic Shakespeare Insults
Here’s how to pepper your next argument with Shakespearean insults.
2023-11-13 21:48