Bar Fight: When ‘Cheers’ Robots Took Over for the Actors
Animatronic versions of bar patrons Norm and Cliff made two actors named George and John very unhappy.
2023-08-11 04:52

The Tragic Life of Clippy, the World's Most Hated Virtual Assistant
The happy little paper clip made Microsoft Office users absolutely miserable. Naturally, that didn't stop the internet from writing erotica about him.
2023-08-01 05:56

‘Eat Lead!’: When Activists Hacked Talking Barbie
Thanks to the Barbie Liberation Organization, the congenial doll barked military orders and screamed "vengeance is mine!" during a very weird holiday 1993 toy season.
2023-07-22 03:25

Think Pink: How Mattel Built Barbie’s Dreamhouse
The vivacious doll has held an expansive real estate portfolio since 1962, when her first (foldable) Dreamhouse was unveiled.
2023-07-07 03:27

‘Colorizers’: When Ted Turner and Hollywood Clashed Over Colorizing Classic Movies
Media mogul Ted Turner didn’t hesitate to alter classic Hollywood movies, claiming: “The last time I checked, I owned the films.”
2023-06-30 01:28

Murphy’s Flaw: When Eddie Murphy Fooled Moviegoers in ‘Best Defense’
In 1984, audiences were excited for a new Murphy movie. What they got was a glorified cameo.
2023-06-16 05:53

May Cause Anal Leakage: The Olestra Fat-Free Snack Controversy of the 1990s
After decades of development and $200 million spent, Procter & Gamble thought they had the perfect snack food additive with olestra. Too bad it caused “rectal urgency.”
2023-06-06 02:29

Dye Hard: How Blue Man Group Took Performance Art Mainstream
The Smurf-colored trio came up in the counterculture. Then Intel came calling.
2023-06-02 05:59

‘Uncomfortable’: Remembering the Quick Demise of ‘The Chevy Chase Show’
In 1993, Fox thought they could win the late-night wars with the premiere of "The Chevy Chase Show." Unfortunately, that was until Chevy Chase walked on stage.
2023-05-12 03:22