19 Videos That Make Learning Fun
Labor Day generally marks the end of summer and the start of a new school year. These fun educational videos for all ages should ease the sting of returning to school and help make studying more enjoyable.History"Bad Romance: Women's Suffrage" by Soomo
2023-09-10 22:16

23 Fascinating Facts About 'The Wire'
It took a slow-but-steady climb for 'The Wire' to emerge as a cultural phenomenon, but the show that challenged every cops-and-robbers television trope has permeated just about every corner of our culture.
2023-09-10 21:57

Replace Your Smartphone With This Smart Pocket Watch
Runcible bills itself as the "anti-smartphone."
2023-09-10 21:48

15 Infamous Facts About ¡Three Amigos!
Steven Spielberg almost directed, Randy Newman played the Singing Bush, and Steve Martin developed permanent tinnitus.
2023-09-10 20:55

Unraveling the Legend of Polybius, the Most Dangerous Video Game of the 1980s
For several decades, a creepy urban legend has circulated in the darker corners of online forums devoted to vintage video games.
2023-09-10 20:46

Hitchhiking Robot's Travels Come to an Abrupt End in Philadelphia
Little hitchhiking robot too good for this world, too pure.
2023-09-10 20:29

Toronto, 'Raccoon Capital of the World,' Is Fighting Its Trash Panda Problem ... and Losing
The city's raccoon-proof trash bins don't exactly work as intended.
2023-09-10 20:27

10 Fast Facts About Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle
2. Danny Leiner’s 'Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle' could have been 'Harold & Kumar Go to Krispy Kreme.'
2023-09-10 20:18

Nagoro, Japan, Is the Creepy Doll Capital of the World
Nagoro, Japan, is home to less than 30 human residents, but hundreds of creepy, life-sized dolls, called kakashi, populate the town.
2023-09-10 19:58

11 Surprising Facts About Fatal Attraction
Adrian Lyne's Oscar-nominated movie that made “bunny boiler” part of the lexicon showed audiences just how dangerous sex could be.
2023-09-10 19:55

The Time Freddy Krueger Became a Nightmare for Will Smith
The rapper's 1988 song, "Nightmare on My Street," made reference to a killer named Fred who was "burnt like a weenie." New Line Cinema didn't find it funny, but it has just been rediscovered online.
2023-09-10 19:49

12 Fascinating Facts About Jackie Brown
Quentin Tarantino’s perfectly crafted crime drama, which was released 20 years ago, only gets better with age.
2023-09-10 19:47